To begin using the skill, double click your pen to open the inscription menu. However it has a limit of 500 charges, so possibly best used only when scribing high level spells. The quest reward ‘Chronicles of the Gargoyle Queen Vol 1’ obtained from the quest Journey to Athenaeum Isle has the ability to reduce mana cost when scribing with it in your pack. Exceptional bonus on a talisman is of questionable importance, since the only known advantage comes in the form of a higher number of possible charges in rune books. This will reduce your resource consumption by increasing your success rate. When writing items for sale, after training is completed, it is advisable to obtain a talisman. Neither lower mana cost nor lower reagent cost are effective for inscribing. It is also worth building a specialist suit for the purpose, including such properties as intelligence bonus, mana regeneration and mana increase. Meditation skill in your template is strongly recommended. The more you have, the more you can write without a rest, and the faster you regain it, the sooner you can write again. The final, very necessary resource, is mana. If you are planning to write spell scrolls you will need the reagents that cast the spell and you will need scrolls to copy from, you can’t write a spell if you don’t know what it should say. If you know a friendly cook who will supply you with wood pulp you can even make your own. Scribes in the libraries, mages in the mage shops, real estate brokers in the carpenter shop (or Skara Brae town hall) and map makers.

These can be bought from a number of townspeople. You can get them from town if you wish, but those crafted by a grandmaster tinker will last longer. Be sure you have sufficient intelligence to pursue it, and a strong back to carry the heavy scrolls you will need to practice it. It is my intent to offer words of wisdom for those who wish to follow the scholarly profession of scribe, for wisdom is a requirement in this art.